Top COVID Related Articles this Month

We have been hearing a lot about the importance of keeping vitamin D levels up to prevent severe Covid-19 infections. Most teens don’t need extra Vitamin D supplements. However, as stated in this piece, at least 15 minutes of sun exposure a few times per week, eating fortified foods like dairy products, and taking a good multi vitamin with 600 IU’s of Vitamin D can help. How do we help keep young people motivated till the end of the school year? Top tips according to this blog in Commonsense media include praising effort, establishing accountability, creating incentives, and adjusting expectations. Worried about kids returning to school and the recent spate of Kawasaki like (MIS) disease? Here’s more information, but remember we still need to encourage teens to follow social distancing and minimize contacts with large groups and keep gatherings outdoors, if possible. What should we consider as we transition back to a new normal? Don’t forget to teach teens basic skills such as doing the laundry and providing first aid. Finally, what are novel ways to detect Covid-19? Researchers are looking into sniffing dogs in the UK and voice analysis in Israel!