Why would anyone take a poisonous snake home from the zoo?
Watch Dr. Anisha Abraham’s TEDx Talk: "Demystifying Teens" to learn more

Anisha has also been featured as an expert on teen health in media outlets, including CNN, NBC, CBS, NPR, Fox News, BBC News, The South China Morning Post, The Washington Post, Medium, Thrive Global, RTHK, Your Teen Magazine, Dutch news.nl, Rapport Beleef, Doctor Radio, Hong Kong Living and Amsterdam Mamas.
recent Speaking Engagements
Raising Global Teens: a webinar with keynote speaker Dr Anisha Abraham
September is suicide prevention month
Using conversations to make connections with Teens
Dr. Anisha Abraham explains the biology behind why we have heightened emotions during our teen years.
Selected Articles and Podcasts
Interested in reading more? Click on any of the images below to read the associated article.

Building Resiliency for Winter Months & COVID Times

How to Help Teens Cope in a Global Pandemic

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